If you've been paying close attention (and why would you pay close attention to a blog?) you've perhaps noticed two things about my collection:
a.) Despite my own bronze complexion, the musicians are mostly white.
b.) This is a sausage fest.
I wish I could say these things will soon change, but this mostly remains the case for the rest of the trip. I've never really noticed it before and I wish I had an explanation that didn't end with me seeming subconsciously racist and sexist but I can't think of one. I guess I'll just have to diversify my portfolio.
I am guilty of not listening to this record much. In fact, I left it at my parents' house until this past Christmas. I'm not sure why, I like Jeff Buckley and his father's music and voice are not much different. And now listening to it for maybe only the third time, it's all starting to click. His voice is of another time, like a medieval troubadour.
This is like music from a fairytale -- folk with a hint of insanity. Even the cover reinforces this idea, proclaiming "He will sing for you his ten tales and then wander till spring." But regardless of his peculiar style, he's a talented poet and the ornate music makes me feel like I'm barefoot in a field on the Shire. I have to listen to this album more.
favorite song: "Pleasant Street"
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