When I first compiled the dates for the list, I was surprised this one came out in the 60's. It seems to entirely predict what rock n' roll would become in the 70's. It's heavier than anything that came out at the time. When I think of the stereotypical Stones fan I picture a hip grandpa, but Zeppelin is the choice of frat boys and young stoners alike. Music this weighty could never feel dated.
Thanks to every classic rock station in existence, Led Zeppelin's music has bombarded the airwaves and made their music feel tired. But, when I put the needle to the vinyl, no number of disc jockeys named Bob or Rockin' Ronnie can take away my love for this band. Like The Who, each member of this band is one of the best ever at his instrument. I don't want to say too much now or I won't have anything more to say when I get to their next few albums. Sorry.
favorite song: "Dazed and Confused"
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