I searched for a Hendrix record for a long time but all the ones I found usually included the phrase "Smash Hits." I've never been too interested in greatest hits collections simply because I enjoy the historical context of an album. So I was happy when I finally stumbled upon a used copy of Electric Ladyland. It's not just a mix-tape of singles; instead the long guitar jams are left intact and offer just a tiny glimpse of the drugs he was on at the time.
It took listening to Hendrix to get me to really love the guitar. It helps to appreciate an instrument when you witness someone performing on a completely different level than any other human being ever. Hendrix played guitar as naturally as the rest of us breath. That's if we're breathing on acid while riding a unicorn through space. The solo in "Come On (Let the Good Times Roll)" is a form of aural intoxication and more evidence that Hendrix has not just solidified the title of Greatest Guitarist of All Time but has carved it in stone and placed it on a mountain so high, Moses couldn't retrieve it.
favorite song: "Burning of the Midnight Lamp"
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