The first time I heard "Taxman" was when the local classic rock station back home was playing every Beatles song in alphabetical order (chronological's the way to go, fools!). The first time I heard "Eleanor Rigby" was on a bus ride to play in a pee-wee football game. I wonder why the first experience of The Beatles makes such a lasting impression. Maybe it's because they are so fucking awesome.
When I discovered them for myself in high school (about fifteen years after I should have) I was furious and astonished that I hadn't grown up listening to this music. Revolver was the largest step their music took towards solidifying their immortality. "Good Day Sunshine" is the only thing that even remotely resembles their first few albums and the experimentation on "Tomorrow Never Knows" was proof that Rubber Soul wasn't the end of their artistic evolution.
favorite song: "For No One"
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. in total agreement. even the pee-wee football part.